Company Info:

Precise Grind
14110 6100 Rd
Montrose, CO. 81401 970-275-5608
>> about us

Ernst Loosli
970-275-5608 >> additional info

Grinding Products Offered:

Precise Grind offers a variety of different types of grinding including OD, ID, Thread, Non-Circular or Out of Round grinding. Call  909-215-4778 if you have special requirements or would like additional information. Discounts offered on large orders or production jobs.

Internal (ID) and Outside (OD) Diameter Threads:
ID grinding for sizes .024 to 6 inch diameter bore. Grinding both ID and OD in one setup guaranties concentricity. One set-up for thread and ID/OD grinding can save time and money. Common thread types including free-form threads can be produced.


Outside Diameter (OD) Grinding: 
High precision multi-diameter grinding including tapers, faces and groves. Setup time can be reduced by swiveling the grinding wheel to multi-diameter grind or to perform
additional grinding operations.

Non-Circular Grinding: 
Out of round grinding has advanced over the years and today can hold tolerance of .00040. The advantage is using one machine for a verity of grinding operations.

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